Many hunters and shooting sports lovers appreciate the Mossberg Patriot, for it is both dependable and inexpensive. Nevertheless, every firearm, and the Patriot rifle as well, has its problems. For the owners or potential buyers of a Patriot, it is beneficial to know the typical problems this firearm presents in advance so as not to waste time and nerves in the future.
No one wants to go to the range or go for a hunt and have problems with their equipment. Don’t worry! In this post, we have identified 5 essential Mossberg Patriot problems, which owners struggle with, and the ways to fix them, in order to restore your rifle. Let’s get started and make sure you are prepared for the adventure.
Top 5 Mossberg Patriot Problems & Solutions
The Mossberg Patriot is a rifle often preferred by many hunters. Still, like any other firearm, it has its problems. Knowing these Mossberg Patriot problems can greatly improve your enjoyment of a given weapon.
- Bedding Issue
- Accuracy Problem
- Feeding Issue
- Locked Bolt Issue
- Trigger Issue
1. Bedding Issue & Its Solution
One of the Mossberg Patriot problems that owners often experience is bedding. In turn, this can affect a rifle’s accuracy and general use. When the action is not properly placed within the stock, it may get dislocated during firing thereby causing the shots to go off target.
To overcome this Mossberg Patriot problems, begin with the removal of barreled action from within the stock or housing. Check whether there is any light shining through between the action and the inletting of the stock. A quick repair is as simple as using quality epoxy resin and filling in the gaps.
Curing time over, will cure us for the time being, disassemble and then assemble all the parts once more. This will ensure that there will be no movements between different parts of the rifle. Therefore, every time you take the rifle out grouping should not be a Mossberg Patriot problems anymore. Do not forget to check your bedding after a period of intense use or transport; temperature and humidity change may alter the status quo.
2. Accuracy Problem & Its Solution
One common Mossberg Patriot problems are accuracy problems that might be annoying for the shooters. Those rifles, although usually dependable, may show variability in group size occasionally. This can be caused by many reasons, including improper barrel bedding or cheap quality ammo.
To improve accuracy, first check your optics and their mounting. An eye-piece whose adjustment is not properly set may cause wandering of the point of impact. After that, turn to your shooting skills. Grip, stance and breath are some examples of elements that affect shooting accuracy.
Another common Mossberg Patriot problems is to try different ammunition types. Not every rifle takes every load well; several brands should be tested for best performance with a particular rifle. Consider modification or bettering parts such as the trigger system to aid performance in the course of shooting activities.
3. Feeding Issue & Its Solution
For every owner of a Mossberg Patriot feeding problems will be inevitable. One of the most frequent Mossberg Patriot problems occurs when a cartridge fails to present itself from the magazine properly into the chamber. This would naturally cause misfires or even jams that will spoil your whole shooting experience.
In any case, one of the factors can be considered to be the presence of dirt inside the magazine or the feed tray. A more frequent trouble free use is possible with proper cleaning. Ensure that you remove excess dirt that may prevent proper feeding.
Another factor could also be the Mossberg Patriot problems of ammunition which may not go to specific design of the rifle. You could also have difficulties if you use cartridges which are not appropriate for your model. Always refer to the provided information in the manual on further recommended cartridge details.
4. Locked Bolt Issue & Its Solution
Experiencing a jammed bolt could be quite disappointing Mossberg Patriot problems, particularly at crucial moments. This is mostly caused by the presence of dirt and even position change.
For this Mossberg Patriot problems, bolt assembly inspection is the first step. Detach it and clean every last part with an appropriate cleaner. Snug unreachable places where dirt is always concealed.
Post cleaning, apply a thin coat of oil on the moving parts. Do not do this excessively as excess oils draws in dirt and makes the situation worse. If this does not help, inspect the locking lugs and receiver faces for any wear. If these parts are damaged they may need to be replaced to ensure proper functionality.
5. Trigger Issue & Its Solution
Many users of the Mossberg Patriot rifle have raised Mossberg Patriot problems about the issues with its trigger. Shooters easily report of having a heavy, inconsistent pull that may affect their accuracy and even confidence.
In this case, s suppose you are given an option weight to the trigger. Some triggers in this case have adjustable trigger mechanisms. Read the user manual as it will help you do this exercise without injuring yourself. In cases where the adjustments are not effective, one might be better off changing the factory trigger assembly.
Aftermarket triggers are made and they provide better experience. Also, how often you use the equipment causes wear and tear – that’s obviously true, but not the only factor. Removing all the dirt from around the trigger parts; will help those parts function properly.
FAQs – Mossberg Patriot Problems
Q1: What is the proper procedure for cleaning my Mossberg Patriot rifle?
Maintenance is key. Get a proper gun cleaning kit and make sure that you clean the barrel and the action every after use.
Q2: Can I fit a better trigger on my Mossberg Patriot rifle?
Sure! There are many trigger upgrades in the market that can improve performance. Just make sure that the one you select is intended for your model for better performance.
Q3: Will it be ok to use reloads in my Mossberg Patriot rifle?
Employing reloads presents a certain degree of safety especially when they are loaded correctly and within the limits. Just be sure to scrutinize them thoroughly before shooting.
Q4: How frequently should the bedding of my rifle be assessed?
Examine the bedding of your rifle frequently, particularly after extensive shooting or climatic alterations. A properly-bedded stock will enhance the precision of the rifle.
Q5: Why does the bolt sometimes feel like it has a lot of resistance?
Resistance to the bolt may signify the presence of dirt or other foreign materials. The use of lubricant on a regular basis will assure the ease of movement upon operation and will avoid any difficulties of usage.
The Mossberg Patriot is a reliable firearm that is widely utilized by a lot of shooters, especially hunters. Still, each weapon has its own problems and weaknesses that can interfere with the maximum functioning of the gun. These Mossberg Patriot problems however, can be dealt with in good time and measures can be taken to ensure that the function of protecting your Mossberg Patriot and its purposes during outdooring activities is effective.
Whether it is bedding problems or modifications for cue pulls, it is good to take up the responsibility since it will make every shooting trip better. Also remember that maintenance is compulsory so ammunitions do not accumulate inside and if there are repairs you cannot do get a professional. Safety and comfort while handling firearms must come first.
It is better for you as a gun holder to know in advance what to expect and what to look out for. Using a hunting rifle that has no Mossberg Patriot problems whatsoever is very reassuring but more so to hunters and even to sport shrieking. Please let your fun not be affected even by the small things that might annoy you on your Mossberg Patriot!